Motivated Magazine Contribution!

I have recently had the privilege of being a recent contributor for Motivated Magazine! Check out the post! Also make sure you SUBSCRIBE! This Magazine has featured Bill Clinton, Chris Gardener(The Pursuit of Happiness), Seth Godin, Shevaun Voisin and MORE!!! Make sure to check it out, and subscribe!!! See for yourself!!

HERE'S THE LINK!!! COMMENT and share!!!

Shevaun Voisin is doing an excellent job, and you would benefit greatly from subscribing!!!

Alfred Blake- "Servant to the masses" A.K.A "The Kicked Out Kid"

How we touched 5000 lives in 1 month!

“Keep Your Feet Movin’ Tour”

Touching the minds of almost 5000 youth in one month is a far stretch for most. It is a Warm-up for our team. Throughout the month of December I Am Multi was able to go on tour with Alvin Perry of the Critical Zone, and open seminars with a motivational message. This project was called the “Keep Your Feet Movin’ Tour ”. The overall goal was to touch the lives of as many students as we could fit into our schedules and help students through sharing the motivational and inspiring stories of the speakers involved.

When my mentor (Alvin Perry) approached us with the idea to touch the lives of 3,000-5,000 Newarkers, we were more than excited. Our mindset was to get the job done by any means necessary. When I shared the vision with others, most asked how this could be done. The task was assembled in a small meeting room and through the hard work and diligence of a few, and expanded like wildfire to other professionals and world-changers. Through other existing relationships, we partnered with Chike Uzoka, who is the PENewark youth coordinator, and very eager to help youth within his community. Also, One of the most actively sought after DJ's in the Tri-State dedicated his time to helping to make the tour a success! None other than RENNY "DJ SCOOP" was able rock the house with music and a sprinkle of dancing throughout the tour! Through all efforts included, we were able to make a huge impact on the students of Newark,NJ.

We were very successful in our efforts, and will continue to different destinations with the tour. We were able to establish relationships with schools throughout the district who believed in the mission. This was made possible through the leadership of visionaries in leadership positions who genuinely care about their student bodies. We had guest appearances from Orane Williams, Tiffany "The Budgetnista" Aliche,  Zee Santiago, and Ondrena "Dynamic" Clyburn.

Feel free to contact us if you know of any organizations that need a workshop presenter, keynote, or speaker for your next event.

The people who took time out of their schedules to help to make the tour a success are:

Alvin Perry:

Alfred Blake and Kasan Lane:

Renny “DJ Scoop” :

Orane Williams:

Tiffany Aliche:

Zee: Santiago:

Alean Elston PR/ Marketing:

Robust Life Gumbo!

Robust Life Gumbo

“Spices and herbs are NOT interchangeable, however, they are each invaluable to the creation of a hearty Gumbo!”- Alfred Blake “Servant to the masses”

 Ingredients needed:

1 Cup of Kind words
2 Whole Listening ears
2 Handfuls of love
1 Cup of Understanding
2 oz of belief


Take each ingredient and mix into the lives of those who you come in contact with.

Turn your selflessness on high

1. Pour kind words to act as Lemon Zest, and bring energy into ones life
2. Drop 2 Open ears into pot, and give someone who needs to vent your undivided attention with active listening.  
3.  2 Handfuls of love to those who thought love no longer existed (Homeless shelter, Orphanage)
5. Look to understand someone in need, rather than judge.
6. Stir in 2 oz of Belief in someone other than yourself.

Stir ingredients into the “Pot of Life”

Combine these ingredients, and enhance the robust flavor of Life’s Gumbo. This aromatic combination will be hearty and savory! Serve everyone who comes in contact with you, and inevitably enhance your personal flavor! 

Original Recipe of Alfred Blake- “Servant to the masses”

Toodles is for Poodles, and Im a Baaad Shar Pei !!!

“Do you want to be a Las Vegas act or the inspiration for the Las Vegas act? Being unique is the key to the latter. Being a copycat is the key to the first!”- Alfred Blake "Servant to the masses"

Have you ever heard of the Shar Pei? This is the most unique dog known to man! You are wayyy more unique than a Shar Pei will EVER be! You are uniquely designed and it is your duty to figure out how and when you can cash in!!!! Luckily for you, even if you have not realized your potential, it is NEVER TOO LATE!! You must unleash your inner Shar Pei! Your originality as a human being with unlimited possibility is unsurpassed.  Your differences make you dividends!

 You will cash in on your differences once you apply this "Servant equation" that I am sharing with you. T+S+S= P!  Talent + Skill + Service+ Uniqueness is your equation to PURPOSE! Accept your purpose, and reap priceless rewards! Why be a cubic zirconium when you harvest more value than the most valuable gem on earth?

Share Comments!

Call to action: Identify what you feel is your trademark quality that distinguishes you from the rest of your peers.

Alfred Blake- "Servant to the masses"

Smile for a while

Give thanks for EVERYTHING!

“People who complain about what’s not happening for them are the ones who don’t appreciate what is.”- Alfred Blake- "Servant to the masses"

I am telling you on this thanksgiving week, that it is your obligation and responsibility to yourself to give thanks for everything in your life. Gratitude is a step in being blessed with more abundance in your life. 
Look at your life right now, and think of 5 things that you are grateful for, and post on the blog. If you want to be happy in life, focus on the haves, rather than have nots'! Take a minute and pay close attention to people who you pass today. When you observe, listen and see whether or not they smile or frown. I guarantee, if they focused on how they are blessed, frowns would turn upside down! Having an attitude of gratitude is the key to having an everlasting smile.